Sunday, October 3, 2010

Top 10 Lesser Known Mysteries

It was Einstein that said ‘The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.’ For me, mystery is the fabric of Life, and since I discovered Listverse a few years ago I have noticed it’s a sentiment many people share. I have tried to avoid the usual topics of ghosts, ufo’s etc., and tried to opt for the niches and gems of the unexplained genre. I hope you have as much fun reading this list as I had compiling it. So here it is, The Top 10 Lesser Known Mysteries, and, dependent on feedback, there will be another in the pipeline.
Top 10 Lesser Known Mysteries

My favorites from that list ..

Rukma Vimana Vertical2
Vimanas are the mythical flying machines chronicled in the ancient Sanskrit epics of India. The story of the Vimana predates Christ by many thousands of years, and the Hindus of today’s India believe the existence and usage of Vimana to be historical fact. There is a plethora of ancient Indian literature which deals with the Vimana and its many aspects. Most of the epics await translation. One epic, titled Manusa, gives clear instructions on how to build the craft and the proponents that make them able to fly. Other texts have names such as ‘The secret of making Planes invisible’, ‘The Secret of hearing conversations and other sounds in Enemy Aircraft’ and ‘The secret of making Planes motionless’. There are many other texts about Vimana which are spoken of in the epics, but have not yet been discovered. Many texts speak of ships and planes with nuclear capabilities and a great nuclear war that took place. In the ancient ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, once part of the Indus Valley Civilization, 3000 year old skeletons where found with radioactivity levels that surpassed that of the bodies at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The ruins themselves also emit high radioactivity levels. It is a documented fact that the city was destroyed suddenly.
The wording of the texts is highly technical, and speaks at a high level of intellectual maturity in areas such as physics and aero dynamics. One text of the Vaimanika Shastra, which translates as ‘Science of Aeronautics’, includes 230 stanzas, concerning aviation matters such as construction, take off, cruising for thousands of miles, normal and forced landing, protections of the airships from storm and lightening and how to switch the power source to solar energy from free energy. The same text describes at great detail the construction of the mercury vortex engine, which is the forerunner of the Ion vortex engine used today by NASA. In 1895, a Sanskrit scholar named Shivkar Talpade designed an aircraft based solely on the Sanskrit document concerning the mercury vortex engine. The unmanned craft reached a height of 1500ft.

Brentford Griffin

The Brentford area of London is a peculiar place in terms of the names. You can buy an apartment at Griffin Flats, take in a football match at Brentford F.C‘s Griffin Stadium or have Steak and Ale Pie at the Griffin Arms Pub. To top that all off, there’s a chance you might bump into the Brentford Griffin, the mythological creature that, supposedly, fly’s and wanders around this London Borough. Griffins were historically the legendary offspring of an eagle and a lion, with their purpose being to guard hidden treasure.The first well reported sightings of the creature began in 1984 when a pedestrian , fittingly walking past the Green Dragon Apartments, saw what he described as ‘a dog with wings’ flying through the sky. He claimed to have seen the creature a year afterwards, this time getting a better look, noticing rather large wings and a long muzzle. A handful of people travelling on a bus also claimed to have sighted the Griffin, sitting on a gasometer next to the local art centre. The only other sighting in that spate was by a psychologist jogging near the Thames. The story made it to the 6 O’clock news, and phone lines were set up for people to report any sightings of the creature.
There have been no other sightings since, and the Legendary Griffin has drifted into local folklore. Other links between Brentford and the Griffin include the town’s old coat of arms, which includes a Griffin on either side of the crest. The fact that no one knows how the Griffin found its way into so many areas of local industry and history is one of the most baffling facts surrounding the legend. However, one story has surfaced to shed some light on its origins. Sir Joseph Banks, the emminent Botanist who accompanied Captain James Cook on his first Voyage of Discovery is alleged to have brought a Griffin back to England from a Pacific Island in the late 1770’s. Griffins have a lifespan that covers centuries, and many believe it is the very same Griffin that resides in Brentford to this day, revealing itself as it chooses.
Amphibians in Ancient Iraq
Atlantean2 1
In ancient Mesopotamia, the world’s first academically ratified, fully functioning civilizations of Babylon, Sumer and Akkadia emerged. Located in the middle of an area known as the Fertile Crescent, these civilizations inhabited what is now modern day Iraq and Iran. We owe the invention of writing and the wheel, among other crucial human breakthroughs, to these peoples. Their origins are shrouded in mystery. The biggest mystery surrounding the emergence of these civilizations is their almost overnight transformation from hunter gatherers to intelligent city building civilizations. The Sumer tells us, through their own records and writings, that they were aided by Aliens in establishing themselves as a sustainable, intelligent civilization. They referred to their god’s as the Annunaki, which translates as ‘Those who came from heaven to earth.’
A Sumerian priest named Berossus recorded how an amphibian, named Oannes, emerged from the Persian Gulf and taught the Sumerians numbers, medicine, astronomy, politics, ethics and law, encompassing all the necessities for civilized existence. Before his intervention the Sumerians ‘lived like beasts in the field, with no order or rule.’ He was described as follows ‘The whole body of the animal was like that of a fish; and it had, under a fishes head, another head, and also feet below, similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fishes tail. His voice, and language, too, were articulate and human; and a representation of him is preserved to this day….When the sun set, it was the custom of this being to plunge again into the sea, and abide all night in the deep; for he was amphibious.’ Whoever Oannes was, it is certainly a given that he was exceptionally good at what he did. Sumerian astronomers were so gifted that their calculations for the rotation of the moon are only 0.4 off modern computerized calculations. They also understood that planets revolve around the sun, something that wouldn’t be hypothesized by renaissance science for thousands of years. Sumerian mathematicians were also gifted almost beyond belief for their time. A tablet discovered among the hills of Kuynjik contained a 15-digit number–195,955,200,000,000. Mathematicians from the golden age of ancient Greece could count no farther than 10,000.

Jesus’ Lost Years
The lost years of Jesus refer to his activities between the ages of 12 and 30, of which there is no mention in the bible. The church would have us believe that what transpired during these years is of no biblical importance, and thus omitted from the gospels. In the Gospels of Luke, in one extract Jesus is 12 and in the Temple at Jerusalem, in the following extract he is 30 and is being baptized in the river Jordan by John the Baptist. Many theories have surfaced regarding his whereabouts during these years, the most prominent being that Jesus joined a trade caravan and travelled to the Far East, following the silk route under the guidance of a cabal of merchants.
Referred to as St. Issa in Buddhist and Hindu lore and texts, it is said Jesus journeyed through modern day Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, before traveling extensively through India and settling in Tibet. He studied and lived among the Buddhist monks for 6 years before returning to Jerusalem to preach. There is some evidence to support this. In 1887, Russian Explorer and Aristocrat Nicholas Notovich stayed at the Hemis Monastery in Ladakh, Northern India, while recuperating after a broken leg. He heard of a text within the monastery library called ‘The Life of St Issa, Best of the Sons of Men’ after the monks had spoke of an ‘Issa’ being a student at the monastery over a thousand years ago. Through a translator, the story was read to Notovich by the head lama, while Notovich furiously scribbled down what he could. His book on the subject, ‘The Secret Life of Jesus Christ’, can still be bought. Rumors persist of the text Notovich saw still existing in the Hemis Library. Perhaps the most irrefutable piece of evidence comes from the Bhavishya Maha Purana, a highly respected ancient Indian text. The King of Kashmir, in the early first century AD, records how he met a fair haired, fair complexioned teacher dressed in white robes who came from the west, described himself as being born of a virgin, persecuted by his people and being the son of God.